A note on blessings for readers from Zechariah from The Lutheran Study Bible: As you study Zechariah, read his visions carefully; interpret them in view of the angels’ remarks and their context in history rather than looking for fulfillment in modern events, such as those occurring in the Middle East. Take special note of the comfort and hope Zechariah proclaims as he looks forward to the appearing of the promised Savior.
Suggestions of what to share with your kids:
Zechariah began to serve around 520BC. Jerusalem was destroyed 66 years earlier in 586BC and the second Temple would be completed shortly after Zechariah’s prophecy.
The title “The LORD of hosts” is a military term. The angels are an army sent to patrol the world. Don’t be afraid today. The angel army is on your side. They know who is baptized.
There are no earthly foods that are forbidden by God. Romans 14.17 “For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” There are no foods that are against righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. But there are words, messages, thoughts, songs, sermons, etc. It is good for us to eat well for our physical health, but it is more important to listen well for our spiritual health.