A note on Romans 15.1-7 from The Lutheran Study Bible: Paul has dealt with quarrels over opinions and here resolves them. There are strong and weak among us in the Church. We should follow Christ’s example of accepting and striving to please others. Despite your sin and weaknesses, Christ bore the reproaches your sins deserved and welcomed you into God’s family.
Suggestions of what to share with your kids:
Zechariah 2.13 tells all flesh to be silent before the LORD. One of the things silence does is it shows your love and respect. To be silent before the LORD shows you love and respect him enough to listen. It is the same with your friends and family. Silence can be a great gift you give someone today.
Zechariah 3.9 – a stone with seven eyes – The picture here may have to do with the all seeing nature of God. Seven is a number of completeness in the relation of the Triune God (3) and the world (4) with its four corners. This stone who sees has this inscription of the removal of iniquity. Jesus is also spoken of as a stone (a cornerstone, a capstone, a stone that some stumble on). Do you think this seven-eyed stone is Jesus?
Romans 15.5 – harmony – Harmony in music is any simultaneous combination of tones. They agree and sound agreeable to us. We as Christians want to be living in harmony. We are all different but when each forgets self and lives like Christ the difference blend in a beautiful harmony.