Posted by on February 2, 2025

Psalm 75

The cup for the wicked of the earth (v8) was drained down to the dregs in the throat of the Lord Jesus on the cross.

Zechariah 12.1-13.9

For younger children read at least Zechariah 13.7b “Strike the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered” and repeat it so that it might be written on the heart. You might also remind them that this is what happened to Jesus before his death but because of his death all of us sheep are gathered in to be with him, forgiven and set free from fear!

For older children you could read and discuss this – “Zechariah prophesies intense mourning for all people. Can there be any sorrow greater than that of beholding the Son of God, His body pierced and bleeding, hanging on the cross? Such a sight produces contrition in the hearts of believers. The Lutheran Confessions define contrition as ‘the true terror of conscience, which feels that God is angry with sin and grieves that it has sinned’. For the contrite sinner, the good news is that the death of Christ opened a fountain that cleanses us from sin and uncleanness. We have good reason to sing, ‘Glory be to Jesus, who in bitter pains poured for me the lifeblood from His sacred veins. – Lord Jesus Christ, grant that I may always know the grace and life eternal found in Your precious blood. Amen. ” The Lutheran Study Bible

Titus 1.1-2.6

For younger children read at least Titus 1.4b “Grace and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Savior” and repeat it so that it might be written on the heart. You might also share that grace is God’s undeserved love for us which means we don’t have to earn his love. He gives it as a free gift to us sinners.

For older children you could focus on this: “Step by step, Paul outlines the requirements for those who wish to lead as stewards of God’s Church. Then he turns his focus to the false teachers, who do not measure up in understanding or teaching the truth, in their corrosive behavior, or in their motives.” The Lutheran Study Bible What problems would come from having a pastor like these bad pastors on Crete? What blessings come from having a faithful pastor?

Write it on the heart verses – Zechariah 13.7b and Titus 1.4b

Small Catechism for the week: Table of Duties – To Widows – The widow who is really in need and left all alone puts her hope in God and continues night and day to pray and to ask God for help. But the widow who lives for pleasure is dead even while she lives.  – 1 Timothy 5.5-6

Small Catechism question for the day: What reason does the writer to the Hebrews give for being content? Hebrews 13.5 – Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

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